Abdominal Breathing Techniques

 Abdominal Breathing Techniques

Diaphragmatic breathing is used in traditional Chinese and Japanese martial arts, but unfortunately, I think most  martial  artists don’t   realize the full measure of how valuable this really is regarded  not only the  practice of  kata  but karate in general. 

One of the  most critical aspects  of kata is proper breathing. A kata without  proper breathing won’t have power, snap, and explosiveness; it will feel weak.

When  the  mind  stops  overthinking, when the thoughts are getting out of the way, proper breathing naturally sinks in. The breath becomes slower, more powerful, and the body adjusts by automatically exhaling at the end  of  technique, resulting in an important  increase  in  strength, energy, and  stability. 
Kata like sanshin use very deep, audible abdominal breaths, synchronized with footwork and  hand    movements. Independently, if   it  is practiced during kihon, kumite, or kata, karate breathing always comes from   the hara or deep belly, and not from the thorax. 

Note: Develop proper breathing has been elaborate more on page number 69 on the book Karate Kudos. 


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